SekarDaraNinggar. Indonesia. 12y.o. DIRECTIONER♛

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Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

what the hell indonesia lost!?!! NOT FAIR!

maaf ya untuk entri ini agak kasar

TAI TAI TAI! apabanget! indonesia kalah kemaren pas tanding di bukit jalil! OJELASS  malay ga gentle NAJIS! maenannye leser,heh leser tuh buat nyunat geblek! bukan buat pemaen bola! ga fair banget najiss,trus kalo pemain malay dijatohin ato gasengaja ditendang lah ama pemaen indonesia,SOK JATOH! SOK SAKIT! alahh muka tempe lo pada! trus lagi wasitnye giliran pemain malay melakukan kesalahann aje didiemin,giliran pemaen indoo aje bikin kesalahan MELEK tu mata,dasar wasit mata segaris,ketakutan diculik datuk datuk disono kali yee,HEDEEH,mALAY tu menang karna CURANG! gw slalu blg gini kalo dirumah 'heh yang nonton ip** and up** PENGKHIANAT YE!' wkwk bodo amat gue benci ama mALAY, tai pemaennye lebe,apalagi penontonnye BEDEHH,pengen gue gaplokkin atu atu tu penontonnye,ga gentle abis maennye laser,dari situ aje ude curang,kalo kena laser tu langsung pusing gebllek! ntar pas di GBK,penonton indo jangan ada yang bawa laser,petasan ato bemda-benda tajam! TUNJUKKAN KEJANTANANMU! jangan ngelambai alias bencong sikapnya kayak mALAY,malay tai malay tai malay tai! 

SekarDaraNinggar, always love indonesia,go to hell mALAY

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


bingung mau nge blog apa,soalnya gue ngantuuuk,pengen tidurr,yang jelas,gue mau jadi anak kelas 2 SD lagiii!!


SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO

My Public Photos

My Public Photos


AAAA gue tadi nonton video gue waktu kecil!! LUCUU ANJIRR,gue centil banget,gatau malu-_- dari video gue waktu ultah,waktu di bandung,waktu FashionShow aaaaaa gue dulu cantik bangett,ga kayak sekarang_-_ demiiii dulu gue Lucu Bangett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaa pengen jadi anak kecil lagi^^

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO 

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

campur aduk

masih pengen share stories sama kalian sebenernya...tapi gue juga mau nonton tv,huhuh-_- ni kaki emak gue ngapain ada di bangku?hmmfhh iklaskan sekarr...tak apalah..fiuhhh

eh eh eh.. gue ngantuk...males sholat isya,tapi pastinya nanti diatas gue disuruh sholat isya sama kakek dan nenek gue,orang alim lagi ada dirumah gue,yaa beginilah kalo nenek sama kakek gue nginep dirumah,gue pastinya disuruh sholat terusss meneruus,kalo gaada nenek kakek pastilah TANTE gue yang bawel nyuruh sholat,mamapapa gue juga nyuruh sholat sihh,tapi ga sebawel nenek sama tante gue,hmmfhh

udeh ah mau tidur,babay all DONT MISS ME,wkwk mau solat isya dulu,muahh:*

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO

father's day and mother's day

tadi papa gue bilang 'diluar negri kan ada "FATHER'S DAY" kak' agaknya papa gue enpy nich  kenapa di indonesia gaada father's day,wakwaw,tapi buat gue setiap hari itu adalah MOTHER'S DAY and FATHER'S DAY hahah,bijak ye bahasa gue,wakakakakak,hmm bikin father's day ala sekar ahh,tapi tanggal berapa ya?wkwwkkw hmm mikir duluu... tanggal 1-30 bulan januari-desember HA-HA lucu banget sek,saking lucunya sampe gue ga ketawa_-_ hmmm...tiap hari dai kan father's day ala sekar,jadi terserah gue dums mau tanggal berapa aja:p wkwk...


SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO


abis bikinin FB adek sepupu gue-____- ribet dai,mane upload foto nye lama banget,ampe jaman jebot kaga selse-selse ni_-_ elahh,ni papa gue yang nyuruh turuti sajalah,hahah

OIYA,tadi gue dah ucapin 'Happy Mother's Day'  ke mama gue dums:p wkwk,tadi pas mama gue lagi pergi,gue buka-buka bupet dikamar mama gue,eh ketemu buku kecil gtu,lucu deh covernya gambar marmut gitu,pas gue liat dalemnya ada gambar gue dulu waktu masih kecil,cacadnya astaga-_-trus pas gue balik halaman ada tulisan,sejujurnya tulisan itu jelek,sejenak gue pikir itu tulisan gue tapi itu pake bahasa singkat,sedangkan saat gue pake bahasa singkat,gue gapernah nulis sesuatu di buku itu,dan gue yakin kalo itu tulisan mama gue waktu muda,wkwk,dan pasti itu ttg perasaan mama gue ke papa gue,about love gitu dai,wkwk,trus gue punya ide,nnt pas mama gue pulang,gue mau bacaain tulisan itu...JENG JENG JENG..mama gue dateng,gue bacaain deh isi kertas itu,belom sempet 6kata,mama gue dah ambil kertas itu,dan baca sebentar,trus gue langsung bilang deh 
'Happy Mother's Day' hahah,i love you mom:*

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

anything social networking-_-

ahh anjirr,masa karma plurk gue 0 !! ishh apabae dah,gw males sih maen plurk,wkwk madesu soalnye,lbh enak maen blogger dai,gw juga dh lama gamain myspace-____________________________________-gangerti gue maen myspace,mending maen twitter,blogger,FB,sama tumblr dah,eiyaw dulu waktu gue masih kecil gue punya acc di friendster,tp skrg gue dh lupa passwordnya apa,wakwaw-_-tapi sekarang gue dah buat lagi,add ya sippo;)

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO


tgl 28 boleh gak yah ke dufan,hmmm,terakhir gue ke dufan pas perpisahan kelas6, ,masalahnya tgl 28 kan hari selasa,bokap gue kan kerja,OHIYA,gini aja ya,ntar pagi gue dianterin bokap gue ke 99,trus gue ikut safira aja lah,kalo dia nya bolehin gue ikut mobilnya,heheh,truus pulangnya bareng papa gue pas pulang kerja yup! sekitar jam 6/7 an kadang-kadang jam 5 ato jam 8,ga tentu dai,aaaa tp gue juga pengen ke 7-11 dh lama ga kesana_-_
karna hari ini hari IBU,sooo

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO love you mom:*

ngakak dikit

masa ya,kn tadi gue lagi buka looklet,trus gue 'creat look' kan cewenya telanjang,mau gue pakein baju,eh adek gue langsung napsu,bilangnya ga ngeliat ga ngeliat,nutupin pake tangan tapi ditengah-tengahnya kebuka,dasar lelaki ye ngeliat yang begituan langsung napsu-_____-

cacad astaga-__-

SekarDaraNinggar, hmmmffhh
ahhh cacad ahh,adek gue minta gantian,ngaku ni laptop punya dia! orang punya gue jugaa,ahhh resek,padahal masih mau nge-blog!!! udah ya ,ntar lagi

KANGEN @tasyau and @LS_279 kangen ketawa tepingkel-pingkel di sekolah bareng mereka!! 
               I miss you friends:)

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO
ohh nonononono... gw gaboleh ikut ke alazkaa!! HUAA gr" adek gue libur,trus ntar dia bakal ngamuk gr" gw ama mama gue dah gaada,AHH SHIT! kenapa sih gue harus punya adek yang cacad gitu,yang SKSD! yang nyebelin,yg pengen dibejek-bejek_-_,aaaaaa padahal gue pengen banget ketemu sama bu neneng,bu win,bu yuni,pak jayadi,AAHHH I MISS ALL MY TEACHERS, ahh yaudahlah gw gajadi ke gading and alazka,TAPI tgl28 gue harus di bolehin ke DUFAN! gamau tau -_- skrg mama gue dah ke seminar,papa gue dah berangkat kerja,hmmffh sebetulnya enak juga sih gaada ortu,jd gue bisa leluasa didalem kamar ortu gue,tapi masih ada tante gue yang bawel-_- dan adek gue yang pengen digaplok pake sendal-_________- aahh hell banget dai



happy mother's day, I love you, sorry if I was always against you,argue with your command, I always make you cry, I also alwaysmake you ashamed, once again survived the day the mother, Ialways loved you, thank you for raising me and educate me up tobig now , I LOVE YOU MOM

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO

tomorrow happiness

Malam, ok! nothing special,HAHAH, lagi pengen nonton film horor malem ini astaga-________-"
besok mau ke Alazka Yeppeee.. besok mau nganterin mama jam 7 ke alazka ,soalnya mama gw ada seminar disana,and gue? sebetulnya ada alkafest, Al-azhar Kelapa Gading Festifal hahah,tp gw gabole ikut sama mama:( huhu,jd besok gw masuk aja ke sekolah,just want to meet all my teachers!! aa miss all my teachers:* trus ke Kopimas ah ntar,abs dari kopimas mau ke gading bareng Kay, wish me happy tomorrow:)

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO


This is my friend,her name is Devindi:)

Created by: SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

life quotes1

Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death

Just remember, the same as a spectacular Vogue magazine, remember that no matter how close you follow the jumps: Continued on page whatever. No matter how careful you are, there's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel some day. This is all practice. None of this matters. We're just warming up

Dream as if youll live forever, live as if youll die today

Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing

first love quotes

Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a mans last romance

The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end

Why is it, when your looking for that someone, you find no one, but, once you find it, a lot more choices start showing up? But, if you leave that first love, then, they all start drifting away? Is that love's way of testing your true feelings or to

We always believe our first love is our last, and our last love is our first

Woman's happiness begins with her first love and ends about then

First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity

No, this trick wont work...How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love

Men always want to be a woman's first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We woman have a more subtle instinct about things. What we like is to be a man's last romance

A man always remembers his first love with special tenderness, but after that he begins to bunch them.

Every man is thoroughly happy twice in his life: just after he has met his first love, and just after he has left his last one

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love

First love, with its frantic haughty imagination, swings its object clear of the everyday, over the rut of living, making him all looks, silences, gestures, attitudes, a burning phrase with no context

First love is a kind of vaccination which saves a man from catching the complaint the second time

Men never are consoled for their first love, nor women for their last

First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity: no really self-respecting woman would take advantage of it

I've never done anything for money. My first love is things of limited commercial appeal. I could be happy doing Shakespeare for the rest of my life

taylor swift

Taylor Swift Cantik Banget,XOXO

nikka costa-first love lyrics

Every one can see
There's a change in me
They all say I'm not the same
Kid I used to be
Don't go out and play
I just dream all day
They don't know what's wrong with me
And I'm too shy to say
It's my first love
What I'm dreamin' of
When I go to bed
When I lay my head upon my pillow
Don't know what to do
My first love
Thinks that I'm too young
He doesn't even know
Wish that I could show him
What I'm feelin'
'cause I'm feelin' my first love
Mirror on the wall 

Does he care at all
Will he ever notice me
Could he ever fall
Tell me teddy bear
Why love is so unfair
Will I ever find a way
An answer to my prayer
For my first love
What I'm dreamin' of
When I go to bed
When I lay my head upon my pillow
Don't know what to do
My first love
Thinks that I'm to young
He doesn't even know
Wish that I could show him what I'm feelin'
'cause I'm feelin' my first love
My first love


anjirr demi kemaren chat msn ama tasya NGAKAK gilaaa,ada semangka makan semangka lah,jeruk makan jeruk lah,ANJIRR DEMI NGAKAK BANGET

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO

fans phineas and ferb-_-

paw cikhi paw paw,that's all my baby say,maw maw maw and my heart start compin,chiki chiki chooa never gonna stop, ghichi ghichi goo it's a i love you,ghichi ghichi goo.... it's a i LOVE YOU...wkwk

SekarDaraNinggar ,XOXO


Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

me,me,me,and ME


kalo lagi nonton bola,gue yg paling heboh serumah-_- pasti abis nonton bola,tenggorokan gue langsung sakit,gr" kebanyakan tereak,lagian kalo nonton bola pasti gemes sendiri,trus yg ngakak juga,pas presiden RI di shoot,candit bgt,jd SBY tangannya lagi keatas gtu gr" okto gaberhasil ngegollin,gayanye ude kayak kakek gw kalo nonton bola,WAKAKAKAK,kalo pelatih filiphine lagi di shoot,pasti gue slalu tereak 'WOOO JANTUNGAN LO!!' wakakakak,trus kalo Gonzales lagi mau nge-gollin gue selalu blg "AYOOO GONJOL" hhahah GONJOL singkatan dari gonzales_-_ trus ya yg ngakak,tante gw masa kemaren ngomong 'okto' jadi 'soto' WAKAKAKAK NGAKAK jirr ,yg paling gw benci adalah pemain filiphine,maen kasar mulu,apabae dah-_-" GO INDONESIA LAH!!! (Y)

SekarDaraNinggar ,XOXO


5-1 w/ malay
6-0 w/ laos
2-1 w/ thailand
1-0 2x w/ FILIPHINE,
final sekarang!! go indonesia!! lumpuhkan malaysia,ayooo indo!! harus 3-0 wkwkkw

SekarDaraNinggar, XOXO

CRISTIAN RONALDO!! ganteng yowoh

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